Proposal Bibliography
9 June 2000

Animal Play
Children's Play
Theory of Mind
Theories of Pretense




Bekoff, Marc and John Alexander Byers (1998). Animal Play: Evolutionary, Comparative, and Ecological Perspectives Bioscience QL763.5.A54 1998

Morris, Desmond (1967) Primate Ethology Bioscience QL785.5.P7.M6

Micheal E. Pereira and Lynn A. Fairbanks Juvenile Primates: Life History, Development and Behavior. Bioscience QL737.P9.J88 1993

Tomasello, Michael (2000). The Cultural Origins of Human Cognition Educ/Psych BF311.T647 1999

Smith, P. Play in Animals and Humans Educ/Psych BF717.P58 1984

Groos, K. The Play of Animals Bioscience QL751.G8

NA Harlow & Stollnitz (1965) Behavior of Nonhuman Primates Educ/Psych QL737.P9.S39

Goodall, J. (1965). Chimpanzees of the Gombe Stream Reserve. In DeVore (Ed.), Primate Behaivor: Field Studies of Monkeys and Apes

Smith (1982). Does play matter? Functional and evolutionary aspects of animal and human play.

Harlow, Harry F.; Zimmermann, Robert R. Affectional responses in the infant monkey. IN: Foundations of animal behavior: Classic papers with commentaries. Lynne D. Houck, Ed; Lee C. Drickamer, Ed; et al. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL, USA. 1996. p. 376-387 of xvi, 843 pp. Bioscience QL751.6.F66 1996

Harlow, H.F. (1969). Age-mate or peer affectional system. Advances in the Study of Behavior, 2, 287-334.



**Smith, Peter K.; Takhvar, Mehri; Gore, Neil; Vollstedt, Ralph Play in young children: Problems of definition, categorisation and measurement. Early Child Development & Care. 1985. 19 (1-2): p.25-41 Educ/Psych BF721.A1.E3

NA Garwood, S. Gray Piaget and play: Translating theory into practice. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education. 1982 Oct. 2 (3): p.1-13 Educ/Psych LC4019.2.T66

Amsel, Eric; Smalley, J. David Beyond really and truly: Children's counterfactual thinking about pretend and possible worlds. In: Peter Mitchell, Ed; Kevin John Riggs, Ed; et al. Children's reasoning and the mind.. Psychology Press/Taylor & Francis (UK): Hove, England, 2000. p.121-147. Abstract

**Bornstein, Marc H.; Haynes, O. Maurice; Pascual, Liliana; Painter, Kathleen M.; Galperin, Celia Play in two societies: Pervasiveness of process, specificity of structure. Child Development. 1999 Mar-Apr. 70 (2): p.317-331 Educ/Psych LB1101.C35

Szokolszky, Agnes Using an object as if it were another: The perception and use of affordances in pretend object play. U Connecticut, USA,UMI Order number: AAM9605501 Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences & Engineering. 1996 Apr. 56 (10-B): p.5809

**Lloyd, Barbara; Goodwin, Roger Let's pretend: Casting the characters and setting the scene. British Journal of Developmental Psychology. 1995 Sep. 13 (3): p.261-270 Educ/Psych BF712.B7

Piaget, J. (1951). Play, Dreams, and Imitation in Childhood. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.

Moore, R.C. (1974). Childhood City Man-Environment Interactions, V. 2. Milwaukee: EDRA .

Power, T.G. (2000). Play and Exprloration in Children and Animals. BF717.P69

Lowenfeld, M. (1991). Play in Childhood. BF717.L69

Bretherton, I. (1989). Pretense: The form and function of make-believe play. Developmental Review, 9, 383-401.

Boulton (1991) Partner preference in middle school children's playful fighting and chasing. Older age group, however.

Boulton (1993). children's ability to distinguish betwen playful and aggressive fighting: a developmental perspective

Byers (1995) Refining the motor training hypothesis for the evolution of play.

Eaton & Keats (1982). Peer presence, stress,a nd sex differences in motor activity of preschoolers.

Rosenthal (1994). Social and nonsocial play in infants and toddlers in family day care.

Sluckin (1981). Growing up in the playground: the social development of children.

Smith et al. (1992). Children's perceptions of play-fighting, play-chasing, and real fighting: a cross national interview study.

Tomporowski & Ellis (1986) Effects of exercise on cognitive processes: a review.

Ellis, M. J. (1973). Why people play? Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Gillmore, J.B. (1971). Play: A special behavior. In C. Herron & B. Sutton-Smith (Eds.), Child's Play. NY: Wiley.

Krasnor, L.R. & Pepler, D.J. (1980). The study of children's play: Some future directions. In K.H. Rubin (Ed.), New directions for child development: Children's play. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Mellon, E. (1994). Play theories: A contemproary view. Early Child Development and Care, 102, 91-100.

Mitchell, E.D. & Mason, B. (1948). The theory of play (Revised Edition). NY: A.S. Barnes.

Rubin, K.H. (1982). Early play theories revisited: Contributions to contemporary research and theory. In D.J. Pepler & K.H. Rubin (Eds.), The play of children: Current theory and research (Vol. 6). NY: Wiley.

Schwartzman, H.B. (1978). Transformations: The anthropology of play. NY: Plenum.

**Saracho, O.N. & Spodek, B. (1998). Multiple perspectives on play in early childhood education. NY: SUNY Press.

**Saracho, O.N. & Spodek, B. (1998). A historical overview of theories of play. In Saracho, O.N. & Spodek, B. (Eds.), Multiple perspectives on play in early childhood education. NY: SUNY Press.

Rubin, K.H., Fein, G.G., & Vandenberg, B. (1983). Play, In E.M. Hetherington (Ed.), P.H. Mussen (Series Ed.), Handbook of child psychology: Vol. 4. Socialization, personality, and social development. NY: Wiley.

Johnson et al. (1987). Play and early childhood development.

Roopnarine, Johnson, & Hooper. (1994). Play in diverse cultures.


Aldis, Owen (1975). Play-fighting Educ/Psych BF717.A371

Corsaro, William A. Friendship and peer culture in the early years Moffitt BF723.F68.C67 1985

Corsaro, William A. (1997). The sociology of childhood

Pellegrini & Yawkey (eds.) (1984). Child's Play: Developmental and Applied Educ/Psych BF717.C43 1984

**Perry, Jane Putnam (1989). Teacher strategies in an early childhood education play setting. PhD dissertation in Education.  Chapter Nine.

**Perry, J.P. (2000). The role of physical activity play and preschool children's interpretation and negotiation of affiliation in an outdoor play ecology. Unpublished manuscript.

Sutton-Smith A children’s games anthology: studies in folklore and anthropology

NA Groos The play of man Educ/Psych BF717.G85

Gump & Sutton-Smith The ‘it’ role in children’s games The Group, 17, 3-8 Soc Welfare HV45.A1.G7

Kirchner Children’s games from around the world

Opie & Opie Children’s games in street and playground

Stevens Studies in the anthropology of play Moffitt GN454.7.S89

Scwartzman Transformations: toward an anthropology of children’s play

Sutton-Smith The folkgames of children Moffitt GV1204.91.S79

Blurton Jones Ethological studies of child behavior

Guberman, Steven R.; Rahm, Jrene.; Menk, Debra W. Transforming cultural practices: illustrations from children's game play / Anthropology and Education Quarterly, v. 29, no. 4, 1998. pp. 419-445 Anthropology LB45.C66.N4

Bornstein (1995). Form and function: Implications for studies of culture and human development. Culture and Psychology, 1, 123-137.

Kielan-Turska. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Play.

Bornstein. The role of play in the development of thought.

Tizard & Harvey. The biology of play.

Rovee-Collier & Lipsett. Advances in infancy research.


Goldman, Laurence.; Smith, Calvin. Imagining identities: mimetic constructions in Huli child fantasy play / Journal Royal Anthropological Institute, v. 4, no. 2, 1998. pp. 207-234. (London)

Aguilar, Mario I. Portraying society through children: play among the Waso Boorana of Kenya /Antrhopos, v. 89, no. 1-3, 1994. pp. 29-38. (Freiburg)

Korkiakangas, Pirjo. Work and play in the lives of country children / Ethnologia Scandinavica, v. 20, 1990. pp. 85-93. (Lund) Anthropology GN1.F62

Reifel, Stuart. Play and Culture Main Stack GV14.45.P5 or Main Stack BF717.P52

deMarrais, Kathleen Bennett.; Baker, Jill H.; Nelson, Patricia A. Meaning in mud: Yup'ik Eskimo girls at play / Anthropology and Education Quarterly, v. 2 3, no. 2, 1992. pp. 120-144. (Washington, D.C) Anthropology LB45.C66.N4

**Lucariello, Joan Spinning fantasy: Themes, structure, and the knowledge base. Child Development. 1987 Apr. 58 (2): p.434-442 Educ/Psych LB1101.C35

NA Rubin, Kenneth H.; Howe, Nina Toys and play behaviors: An overview. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education. 1985 Fal. 5 (3): p.1-10 Educ/Psych LC4019.2.T66

Griffin (1984). The coordination of meaning in the creation of a shared make-believe reality. In Bretherton, I. (Ed.). Symbolic Play: The Development of Social Understanding. New York: Academic Press.

Garvey & Kramer (1989). The language of social pretend. Developmental Review, 9, 364-382.

Furth & Kane (1992). Children constructing society: A new perspective on children at play. In McGurk, H. (Ed.) Childhood and social development: Contemporary Perspectives. Howe & Erlbaum.

**Smilansky (1968). The Effects of Sociodramatic Play on Disadvantaged Preschool Children. New York: Wiley.

Field, T; DeStefano, L., & Koewler, J.H. (1982). Fantasy play of toddlers and prescholers. Developmental Psychology, 18, 503-508.

Kavanaugh, R.D. & Harris, P.L. (1994). Imagining the outcome of pretend transformations: Assessing the competence of normal children and children with autism. Developmental Psychology, 30, 847-854.

Matthews, W.S. (1977). Modes of transormation in the initiation of fantasy play. Developmental Psychology, 13, 212-216.

McLoyd, V.C. (1980). Verbally expressed modes of transformation in the fantasy play of black preschool children. Child Development, 51, 1133-1139.

Wolf, D.P.; Rygh, J.; & Altshuler, J. (1984). Agency and experience: Actions and states in play narratives. In I. Bretherton (Ed.), Symbolic play: The development of social understanding. NY: Academic Press.

DiLalla, L.F. & Watson, M. (1988). Differentiation of fantasy and reality: Preschoolers' reactions to interruptions in their pretend play. Developmental Psychology, 24, 268-291.

Harris, P.L. (1991). The work of the imagination. In A. Whiten (Ed.), Natural Theories of mind. Oxford, England: Basil Blackwell.

Woolley, J.D. & Phelps, K.E. (1994). Young children's practical reasoning about imagination. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 12, 53-67.

Woolley, J.D. & Wellman, H.M. (1993). Origin and truth: Young children's understanding of imaginary representations. Child Development, 64, 1-17.

Matthews, W.S. & Matthews, R.J. (1982). Eliminating operational definitions: A paradigm case approach to the study of fantasy play. In D.J. Pepler & K.H. Rubin (Eds.), The play of children: Current theory and research. Basel: Karger.

Singer, J.L. (1973). Theories of play and the origins of imagination. In J.L. Singer (Ed.), The child's world of make-believe. NY: Academic Press.

Bornstein et al. (1997). Symbolic play in childhood: Interpersonal and evironmental context and stability. Infant Behavior and Development, 20, 197-207.

Burns & Brainerd (1979). Effects of constructive and dramatic play on perspective taking in very young children. Developmental Psychology, 15, 512-521.

Bornstein. Symbolic play: The development of social understanding.

Singer & Singer. The house of make-believe.

Collaborative Play:

Goncu, A. & Kessel, F. (1988). Preschoolers' collaborative construction in planning and maintaining imaginative play. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 11, 327-344.

Dunn, J. & Dale, N. (1984). I a daddy: 2-year-olds' collaboration in joint pretend play with sibling and with mother. In I. Bretherton (Ed.), Symbolic Play: The development of social understanding. NY: Academic Press.

Bornstein et al. (1996). Solitary and collaborative pretense play in early childhool: Sources of individual variation in the development of representational competence. Child Development, 67, 2910-2929.

Howes (1992). The collaborative construction of pretend: Social pretend play functions.


Fein, G. G. (1981). The transition from self-directed to other-directed play. Child Development, 52, 1095-1118.

**Belsky, Jay; Most, Robert K. From exploration to play: A cross-sectional study of infant free play behavior. Developmental Psychology. 1981 Sep. 17 (5): p.630-639 Language: English. Educ/Psych BF701.A1.D4

Bornstein, Marc H.; Lamb, Michael E. Development in infancy: An introduction (3rd ed.). Mcgraw-Hill Book Company: New York, NY, USA, 1992. xiv, 560pp

NA Lockman, Jeffrey J., Ed; Hazen, Nancy L., (Ed) Action in social context: Perspectives on early development. Plenum Press: New York, NY, USA, 1989. xv, 310pp. Educ/Psych BF720.A24.A291 1989

NA Bretherton, Inge; Beeghly, Marjorie Pretense: Acting "as if" In: Jeffrey J. Lockman, Ed; Nancy L. Hazen, Ed; et al. Action in social context: Perspectives on early development.. Plenum Press: New York, NY, USA, 1989. p.239-271 of xv, 310pp Educ/Psych BF720.A24.A291 1989

Corrigan, Roberta A developmental sequence of actor-object pretend play in young children. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly. 1987 Jan. 33 (1): p.87-106 Educ/Psych HQ1.M4

Goencue, Artin Toward an interactional model of developmental changes in social pretend play. In: Lilian G. Katz, Ed; Karen Steiner, Ed; et al. Current topics in early childhood education, Vol. 7.. Ablex Publishing Corp: Norwood, NJ, USA, 1987. p.108-125 of viii, 152pp Educ/Psych LB1523.C861

Howes, Carollee Sharing fantasy: Social pretend play in toddlers. Child Development. 1985 Oct. 56 (5): p.1253-1258 Educ/Psych LB1101.C35

Fein, Greta G.; Moorin, Elaine R. Confusion, substitution, and mastery: Pretend play during the second year of life. In: Keith E. Nelson, Ed; et al. Children's language, Vol. 5.. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc: Hillsdale, NJ, USA, 1985. p.61-76 of xviii, 453pp

Kavanaugh, Robert D.; Harris, Paul L. Pretense and counterfactual thought in young children. In: Lawrence Balter, Ed; Catherine S. Tamis-LeMonda, Ed; et al. Child psychology: A handbook of contemporary issues.. Psychology Press/Taylor & Francis: Philadelphia, PA, US, 1999. p.158-176

Carlson, Stephanie Marie Individual differences in inhibitory control and children's theory of mind. U Oregon, US,UMI Order number: AAM9810011 Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences & Engineering. 1998 Mar. 58 (9-B): p.5158

**Kavanaugh, Robert D.; Eizenman, Dara R.; Harris, Paul L. Young children's understanding of pretense expressions of independent agency. Developmental Psychology. 1997 Sep. 33 (5): p.764-770 Educ/Psych BF701.A1.D4

Bornstein, Marc H.; Haynes, O. Maurice; O'Reilly, Anne Watson; Painter, Kathleen M. Solitary and collaborative pretense play in early childhood: Sources of individual variation in the development of representational competence. Child Development. 1996 Dec. 67 (6): p.2910-2929 Educ/Psych LB1101.C35

Golomb, Claire; Kuersten, Regina On the transition from pretence play to reality: What are the rules of the game? British Journal of Developmental Psychology. 1996 Jun. 14 (2): p.203-217 Educ/Psych BF712.B7

**Amsel, Eric; Bobadilla, Wendy; Coch, Donna; Remy, Roxana Young children's memory for the true and pretend identities of objects. Developmental Psychology. 1996 May. 32 (3): p.479-491 Educ/Psych BF701.A1.D4

Custer, Wendy L. A comparison of young children's understanding of contradictory representations in pretense, memory, and belief. Child Development. 1996 Apr. 67 (2): p.678-688 Educ/Psych LB1101.C35

Dierker, Lisa C.; Sanders, Barbara Developmental and individual differences in children's ability to distinguish reality from fantasy. Imagination, Cognition & Personality. 1996. 16 (1): p.25-49

**Golomb, Claire; Galasso, Lisa Make believe and reality: Explorations of the imaginary realm. Developmental Psychology. 1995 Sep. 31 (5): p.800-810am Educ/Psych BF701.A1.D4

Dierker, Lisa Clare Developmental and individual differences in children's ability to distinguish reality from fantasy. U Connecticut, USA,UMI Order number: AAM9519999 Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences & Engineering. 1995 Aug. 56 (2-B): p.1126

Hewitt, Lynne E.; Duchan, Judith Felson Subjectivity in children's fictional narrative. Topics in Language Disorders. 1995 Aug. 15 (4): p.1-15 Educ/Psych RC423.A1.T66

**Welch-Ross, Melissa K. Developmental changes in preschoolers' ability to distinguish memories of performed, pretended, and imagined actions. Cognitive Development. 1995 Jul-Sep. 10 (3): p.421-441 Educ/Psych BF311.C61

Hall, William S.; Frank, Rita; Ellison, Constance The development of pretend language: Toward an understanding of the child's theory of mind. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. 1995 May. 24 (3): p.231-254 Educ/Psych P106.J681

McCune-Nicolich, L. (1981). Toward symbolic functioning: Structure of early pretend games and potential parallels with language. Child Development, 52, 785-797.

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**Parten (1932). Social participation among preschool children. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 27, 243-269.

Stamback & Sinclair. (1993). Pretend Play Among 3-Year-Olds. BF717.J4913

Cohen, D. (1993). The Development of Play. BF717.C63

Fein, G.G. & Apfel, N. (1979). The development of play: Style, structure and situations. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 99, 231-250.

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Fenson, L. (1984). Developmental trends for action and speech in pretend play. In I. Bretherton (Ed.), Symbolic Play: The Development of Social Understanding. NY: Academic Press.

Goncu, A. (1993). The development of intersubjectivity in social pretend play. Human Development, 11, 327-344.

Nicholich, L. (1977). Beyond sensorimotor intelligence: Assessment of symbolic maturity through an analysis of pretend play. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 23, 89-99.

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Walker-Andrews, A. & Harris, P.L. (1993). Young children's comprehension of pretend causal sequences. Developmental Psychology, 29, 915-921.

Golomb, C. & Kuersten, R. On the transition from pretense play to reality: What are the rules of the game? British Journal of Developmental Psychology.


Seier, Wendy Lynn The nature of young children's understanding of pretense. U Florida, USA,UMI Order number: AAM9432022 Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences & Engineering. 1995 Jan. 55 (7-B): p.3038

Jarrold, Chris; Carruthers, Peter; Smith, Peter K.; Boucher, Jill Pretend play: Is it metarepresentational? Mind & Language. 1994 Dec. 9 (4): p.445-468 . Main Stack P106.M56

Jarrold, Christopher; Boucher, Jill; Smith, Peter K. Executive function deficits and the pretend play of children with autism: A research note. Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry & Allied Disciplines. 1994 Nov. 35 (8): p.1473-1482 Educ/Psych BF721.A1.J6

Jarrold, Chris; Smith, Peter; Boucher, Jill; Harris, Paul Comprehension of pretense in children with autism. Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders. 1994 Aug. 24 (4): p.433-455 Educ/Psych RJ499.A1.J581

Harris, Paul L.; Kavanaugh, Robert D.; Meredith, Melina C. Young children's comprehension of pretend episodes: The integration of successive actions. Child Development. 1994 Feb. 65 (1): p.16-30 Educ/Psych LB1101.C35

Slade, Arietta, Ed; Wolf, Dennie Palmer, (Ed) Children at play: Clinical and developmental approaches to meaning and representation. Oxford University Press: New York, NY, USA, 1994. xiv, 313pp. Educ/Psych BF717.C425 1994

Lillard, Angeline S. Pretend play skills and the child's theory of mind. Child Development. 1993 Apr. 64 (2): p.348-371 Educ/Psych LB1101.C35

Lillard, Angeline S. Young children's conceptualization of pretense: Action or mental representational state? Child Development. 1993 Apr. 64 (2): p.372-386 Educ/Psych LB1101.C35

Wellman, Henry M.; Hickling, Anne K. Understanding pretense as pretense. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development. 1993. 58 (1, 231): p.93-102 Educ/Psych LB1103.S6

Harris, Paul L.; Kavanaugh, Robert D. The right attitude? Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development. 1993. 58 (1, 231): p.103-107 Educ/Psych LB1103.S6

Lillard, Angeline S.; Flavell, John H. Young children's understanding of different mental states. Developmental Psychology. 1992 Jul. 28 (4): p.626-634 Educ/Psych BF701.A1.D4

Perner, Josef; Astington, Janet Wilde The child's understanding of mental representation. In: Harry Beilin, Ed; Peter B. Pufall, Ed; et al. Piaget's theory: Prospects and possibilities.. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc: Hillsdale, NJ, USA, 1992. p.141-160 of xiv, 342pp Educ/Psych BF723.C5.P555 1992

Gopnik, Alison; Slaughter, Virginia Young children's understanding of changes in their mental states. Child Development. 1991 Feb. 62 (1): p.98-110 Educ/Psych LB1101.C35

Fein, Greta G. Bloodsuckers, blisters, cooked babies, and other curiosities: Affective themes in pretense. In: Frank S. Kessel, Ed; Marc H. Bornstein, Ed; et al. Contemporary constructions of the child: Essays in honor of William Kessen.. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc: Hillsdale, NJ, USA, 1991. p.143-157 of xxvi, 323pp Educ/Psych BF721.C619 1991

Perner, Josef Understanding the representational mind. The Mit Press: Cambridge, MA, USA, 1991. xiv, 348pp. Educ/Psych BF723.M43.P47 1991

Leslie, Alan M. Pretense and representation: The origins of "theory of mind." Psychological Review. 1987 Oct. 94 (4): p.412-426 Educ/Psych BF1.P7

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Mitchell, Robert W. A proposal for the development of a mental vocabulary, with special reference to pretence and false belief. In: Peter Mitchell, Ed; Kevin John Riggs, Ed; et al. Children's reasoning and the mind.. Psychology Press/Taylor & Francis (UK): Hove, England, 2000. p.37-65

Aronson, James N.; Golomb, Claire (Annual Symposium of the Jean Piaget Society, 27, Jun, 1997, Los Angeles, CA, US.) Preschoolers' understanding of pretense and presumption of congruity between action and representation. Developmental Psychology. 1999 Nov. 35 (6): p.1414-1425 Educ/Psych BF701.A1.D4

Suddendorf, Thomas; Fletcher-Flinn, Claire; Johnston, Leah Pantomime and theory of mind. Journal of Genetic Psychology. 1999 Mar. 160 (1): p.31-45 Educ/Psych L11.P36

Flavell, John H. Cognitive development: Children's knowledge about the mind. Annual Review of Psychology. 1999. 50 p.21-45 Bioscience BF30.A56

Currie, Gregory ("The Mind's New Science" cognitive science mini-conference, n, 1996, Macquarie U, Sydney, NSW, Australia.) Pretence, pretending and metarepresenting. Mind & Language. 1998 Mar. 13 (1): p.35-55 Main Stack P106.M56

O'Brien, David P.; Dias, Maria G.; Roazzi, Antonio; Braine, Martin D. S. Conditional reasoning: The logic of supposition and children's understanding of pretense. In: Martin D. S. Braine, Ed; David P. O'Brien, Ed; et al. Mental logic.. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., Publishers: Mahwah, NJ, USA, 1998. p.245-272 Educ/Psych BF442.M45 1998

Sodian, Beate; Huelsken, Christian; Ebner, Cora; Thoermer, Claudia Children's differentiation of mentality and reality in pretense-precursor to a theory of mind?. Die begriffliche unterscheidung von mentalitaet und realitaet im kindlichen symbolspiel-vorlaeufer einer theory of mind?. Sprache & Kognition. 1998. 17 (4): p.199-213

Rosen, Craig S.; Schwebel, David C.; Singer, Jerome L. Preschoolers' attributions of mental states in pretense. Child Development. 1997 Dec. 68 (6): p.1133-1142 Educ/Psych LB1101.C35

Hughes, Claire; Dunn, Judy "Pretend you didn't know": Preschoolers' talk about mental states in pretend play. Cognitive Development. 1997 Oct-Dec. 12 (4): p.381-403 Educ/Psych BF311.C61

Youngblade, Lisa M.; Dunn, Judy Individual differences in young children's pretend play with mother and sibling: Links to relationships and understanding of other people's feelings and beliefs. Child Development. 1995 Oct. 66 (5): p.1472-1492 Educ/Psych LB1101.C35

Freeman, Norman H.; Lacohee, Hazel Making explicit 3-year-olds' implicit competence with their own false beliefs. Cognition. 1995 Jul. 56 (1): p.31-60 Educ/Psych BF309.C58

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